Welcome to Taeyoung Hwang's Lab at Lieber Institute for Brain Development and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

We aim to understand gene regulation from the perspetive of noncoding RNA with an emphasis on how dysregulation in this mechanism can affect brain development and brain disorders.

Lab news

07/01/2024, Yifan, a master student in Bioinformatics Program, officially joined the lab. Wecome, Yifan !!
04/14/2024, Yu Hsuan's manuscript was accepted for publication in Nucleic Acid Research. Congratulations to Yu Husan !!
08/23/2023, Yuzhou successfully submitted his master thesis. Congratulations to Yuzhou !!
08/17/2023, We are awarded NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (BBRF) !!
06/05/2023, Mo joined the lab for his summer intership. Wecome, Mo !!
04/27/2023, Yu Hsuan made a poster presentation at NIH/NCI RNA conference on her project of developing a high-throughput assay, MPRNA-IP !!